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A Triathlete’s Journey

So you wanna be a triathlete?

Fact: You will not become efficient at swimming, biking or running overnight. This is NOT an easy sport.

Check your ego at the door because chances are someone fifty pounds heavier than you will lap you in the pool. Not to mention she will be ten or fifteen years older than you, too.

You will be passed on the bike many times, and you will never be the fastest runner in your town.

You will have early morning workouts. Really early.

You will plan your weekends around your swim, bike and run.

You will be up while others are sleeping.

You will be training while others are sitting.

You will discover others who also follow this blood, sweat and tears cult.

You will eventually get a flat tire…and have to change it all by yourself.

No matter what you hear, triathlon is NOT an inexpensive sport.

Warning, it is extremely addictive, hence the impulse spending on wetsuits, bikes, running shoes, aero bars, aero helmets, speed suits, power meters, GPS heart-rate monitors and many other “gotta have” items.

You will hate swimming more times than you like it for the first year.

You will suffer through road trips with whiny fellow triathletes.

You will suffer setbacks.

You may experience an injury.

You will develop a love/hate relationship with a foam roller and ice baths.

You will at some point realize you need a coach.

You will hate swimming for the first year.

You will wear tight clothing.

You will not like how this tight clothing fits or looks.

Your age will take on a whole new meaning.

You will discover a whole new meaning for tan lines.

Food will become an extremely important part of your life.

You will learn new words such as GU, cadence and brick.

You will hate swimming for the first year.

You will spend more time on your bike than on your couch.

You may lose a friend or two because you spend too much time swimming, biking and running, and they could care less about your heart rate training, foam rolling pain or 20-mile bike ride.

You will learn patience.

You will be humbled.

You will start to realize you are paying money to put yourself through pain and suffering, but for some odd reason, you LOVE it.

This sport called triathlon becomes a part of you. You start to plan your entire year around sprint, international, half iron- or full iron-distance races. Your vacations become racing, and you start to realize that this could become a life-long adventure.

Many people settle for things in life. They settle for a crappy job, marriage, friends, food, place to live and overall fitness and health. Those who desire more or those who want more out of life than a drive-thru window and boring sitcom, will choose triathlon or an activity that makes them happy an activity that will change their life.

Triathlon will change your outlook on life, your career, your marriage, your goals, your friends and many other things you thought you had figured out. It’s not just crossing a finish line or going home with a boring finisher medal. It’s the countless hours that got you to that point—a moment in time that you will NEVER forget, a moment that you will discuss with your family and friends for hours if not days after the event. These discussions will most likely be about how you could have done better. At what point could you have swum faster, biked harder or ran more efficient? This is what will go through your head every day until you get the opportunity to suffer again.

So you wanna be a triathlete? Enjoy the ride and train hard!

So you want to be a triathlete?

Swim, bike, and run. Three simple words that represent so much more than just a sequence of activities. These three activities have the power to transform lives, push limits, and inspire greatness. In this article, we’ll explore the incredible benefits of swim, bike, and run, and how they can inspire us to achieve our dreams.


There’s something about being in the water that’s incredibly liberating. The feeling of weightlessness and the rush of water past your body is a sensation unlike any other. Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities, and it has numerous physical and mental health benefits.

Swimming builds endurance and strength, improves cardiovascular health, and reduces stress. It’s also a great way to cool off during the hot summer months. But perhaps the most inspiring thing about swimming is the sense of freedom and empowerment it can provide. Being able to move effortlessly through the water is a feeling that can’t be matched, and it’s an experience that can inspire us to pursue other challenges in life.


Cycling is a fantastic way to get around, and it’s also an amazing form of exercise. Whether you’re a casual rider or a serious cyclist, there are countless benefits to be gained from getting on a bike. Cycling improves cardiovascular health, builds leg strength, and can help you maintain a healthy weight.

But perhaps the most inspiring thing about cycling is the sense of adventure it can provide. Exploring new places on two wheels can be an incredibly exhilarating experience. The wind in your hair, the rush of speed, and the feeling of freedom can inspire us to take on new challenges and push ourselves to new heights.


Running is one of the most accessible forms of exercise, and it’s also one of the most effective. It’s a fantastic way to improve cardiovascular health, build endurance and strength, and maintain a healthy weight. Running also has numerous mental health benefits, including reducing stress, improving mood, and boosting confidence.

But perhaps the most inspiring thing about running is the sense of accomplishment it can provide. Crossing the finish line of a race, no matter how long or short, is an incredible feeling. Running teaches us the value of persistence and perseverance, and it inspires us to set and achieve new goals in all areas of our lives.


Swim, bike, and run. These three activities have the power to transform lives, push limits, and inspire greatness. Whether you’re a seasoned triathlete or just starting out, there are countless benefits to be gained from embracing swim, bike, and run. These activities teach us the value of persistence, perseverance, and self-improvement. They inspire us to chase our dreams, push our limits, and achieve things we never thought possible. So, next time you’re thinking about lacing up your running shoes, hopping on your bike, or diving into the pool, remember that you’re not just engaging in a physical activity, you’re embarking on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and inspiration.